Rosacea, also called acne rosacea and red nose, is a chronic inflammatory dermatosis on the nose. Its symptoms include redness of the skin on the external nose, especially on the nose tip. Rosacea mostly occurs among the middle-aged and mostly among women, while for male patients the condition tends to be more serious. The etiology is not determined yet, and possible factors include dysfunction of vasomotor nerve in local areas, demodicosis and repeated infection in local areas, eating spicy foods, alcohol drinking, caloric stimulation, mental stress, agitation, endocrine dysfunction, etc.
Ex-HN 3 Yin Tang
(Hall of Impression)
on the ventral midline, between the eyebrows
LI 20 Ying Xiang
(Welcome Fragrance)
in the naso- labial groove, near the midpoint of the lateral border of the ala nasi.nose
St 4 Di Cang
(Earth Granary)
with the patient staring directly ahead, directly below the pupil, at 0.4 cun lateral to the corner of the mouth
LI 4 He Gu
(Joining Valley)
on the dorsum of the hand, to the side of the midpoint of the second metacarpal bone, in the adductor pollicis muscle
LI 11 Qu Chi
(Pool at the Crook)
with elbow bent to 90 degrees, between the lateral end of the cubital crease and the lateral epicondyle of the humerus
Du 14 Da Zhui
(Great Vettebra)
on the dorsal midline, in the depression below spinous process C7
Bl 13 Fei Shu
(Lung Shu)
at the level of the depression inferior to the spinous process Th3, 1.5 cun lateral to the dorsal midline
Bl 20 Pi Shu
(Spleen Shu)
at the level of the depression inferior to the spinous process Th11, 1.5 cun lateral to the dorsal midline
Bl 21 Wei Shu
(Stomach Shu)
at the level of the depression inferior to the spinous process Th12, 1.5 cun lateral to the dorsal midline
St 44 Nei Ting
(Inner Courtyard)
at the edge of the interdigital skin, between the second and third toes, at the dividing line between red and white flesh
Bl 18 Gan Shu
(Liver Shu)
at the level of the depression inferior to the spinous process Th9, 1.5 cun lateral to the dorsal midline
Bl 17 Ge Shu
(Diaphragm Shu)
at the level of the depression inferior to the spinous process Th7, 1.5 cun lateral to the dorsal midline
Sp 10 Xue Hai
(Sea of Blood)
with the patient's knee flexed, 2 cun proximal to the medial superior border of the patella on the bulge of the vastus medialis muscle
Lv 3 Tai Chong
(Great Rushing)
on the dorsum of the foot, in the depression distal to the proximal corner between the first and second metatarsal bones